Sea Turtle

World Sea Turtle Day

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated every year on June 16
It is a day to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles in our oceans across the globe. 

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on the same day as Dr. Archie Carr’s birthday, the founding scientific director of Sea Turtle Conservancy and the “father of sea turtle biology.”
Because of Dr. Carr’s research, teaching, and writing, we know what we do today about the life cycle and biology of sea turtles. 

Sea turtles should not just be recognized and honored today, but every day!
As a team, there are so many ways that we can improve the lives of these animals that have been in our oceans for millions of years!
By things like picking up after ourselves when we spend a day at the beach, recycling, and educating the public, we are doing our part in creating a happy and healthy life for our sea turtles.